The Tazzmanian Twister will Make you Dizzy
"Anything you do, I can do Better" That was the message that the Tazzmanian Devil sent to the league when he matched Rob Burkley with a net 28. The Tazzmanian Devil turned in the best round of his CGA career. Afterwards he looked his opponent, Joe Ayers, in the eyes and said "There are a couple of matches I get up for each year, you and Greg May. Joe was left to wonder what he ever did to get on this short list. When word spread to Greg, he was quick to add..... "well misson accomplished because his second best round of his career was against me." Note to self, stay on good terms with the Doctor. Needless to say, the Tazzmanian Twister will make you Dizzy. So what does the Doctor do to celebrate the round of his CGA career? You go to Vegas for Lady GaGa and a pool party......

Week of Monday, August 16th
Cronies getting clearance from their wives for Black Diamond. Cronies adding up points to see where the team race will finish. OSU football tailgates are starting to be discussed. The Crony Cup is highly debated. Handicaps are starting to come down. There is more goose shit on the GCD than there is sand in the bunkers. All signs that the year is quickly coming to an end. Yes, the year is rapidly coming to an end. However, there is a bunch, and I mean, a bunch, of meaningful golf to be played. The season has two weeks left. The team race is as tight as a Millersburg Amish Virgin. Yes, KC, you are in first for a week. Congratulations, now take your bye and see you later. Chuckie holds a slim 4 point lead over Brinkman likes 69. Four points is all that seperates Chuckie from matching Them Hate Us as the only team to repeat. Four points is all that stops Brinkman's dream of having his buddy Webb as his partner. BuBu will slide back, but the interesting fact is that they play Brinkman likes 69 the last week of the season. Chuckie plays Dr. Red Love this coming week followed by Double FFagots the last week. Could this year top last season where the entire league championship was decided on the last nine holes?
The individual title is all but over. Rob Burkley outright dominated this season. Diwik, check the paramutuals. I had Burkley and Chuckie to win. Should Chuckie win..... Let's say I know a thing or two about this league.
Black Diamond is quickly approaching. As of now, we have 17 of 18 players scheduled to appear in the event. It should be a very exciting event. Thankfully, Ryan has volunteered to handle the grill again and John Brinkman will organize the gambling games. Tuesday, August 24th at 12:00 noon the brackets will be announced. If a playin match is needed, it will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. We would invite all league members to come out and support their fellow CGA members. Remember, Scott Schoemer defeated Andy Shaffer in a play in match and went on to win the CGA Match Play Championship. Keep the dream alive.
Crony Cup. September 25th. The lines have been drawn. The course site will be selected in the next few days. The format has been agreed upon. 9 holes of 2 man best ball, 9 holes of true alternating shot, and 9 holes of individual matches. 8 men vs 8 men for a total of 16 points available and 8 1/2 points wins you the Cup.
I know one thing, now is a real good time to find your game. Several Cronies did just that Monday night. Joe Ayers, Rob Burkley, Ryan Webb fired gross 38's and Steve Porterfield added a 39. Not a bad time to be doing that.