July 9, 2012


EVEN THOUGH the format for Week 9 was established back in April, and EVEN THOUGH nobody expressed an opinion about Screw Your Partner week until Week 8 was over, and EVEN THOUGH I do not believe in changing the rules mid-season, and EVEN THOUGH there is a big part of me that wants to tell all of the Cronies who are threatening to tank their matches this week to screw off, I have decided to tweak Screw Your Partner week (on the day of the event) to add a team element that will provide an incentive for all Cronies to play your best (how ridiculous and sad that I have to do this).  Nevertheless, I think I've come up with a perfect solution (with the help of another Crony).

All Cronies will still play their partner tonight in an Individual match.  In addition, their will be Team points awarded based on total low net score.  Low net score will be determined by adding a team's two gross scores and subtracting each player's handicap.  Since there are 60 total league points awarded for Team matches each week (15 points per match x 4 matches), a total of 60 points will be awarded tonight also.  This distribution will be as follows:

1st Place = 14.5 points
2nd = 12.5
3rd = 10.5
4th = 8.5
5th = 6.5
6th = 4.5
7th = 2.5
8th = 0.5

If two or more teams tie for any position tonight, the total points will be split evenly amongst those teams.  For instance, if there is a two-way tie for 1st place each team will be awarded 13.5 points.  If there is a three-way tie for 1st place each team will be awarded 12.5 points.  As previously stated, the total points awarded for "Team" play tonight will equal 60...just like all other weeks.  So, at the end of the day, you want to Screw Your Partner tonight but you want your partner to play great.