July 10, 2012

Confusion Rules in Week 8

While a good debate took place over the Screw Your Partner format earlier in the day, it was a different problem at the course that caused the most confusion in Week 8.  HHGC had the Cronies scheduled to play the Front 9 and was unable to make a last minute switch.  Yours truly showed up with scorecards and handicaps that were tailored for the Back 9, and therefore the Cronies were forced to play the 1st Annual SYP week blindly....without knowing for sure if handicaps would be different.  Let me say here that I did try to call the course around noon on Mundy to confirm which 9 we would be playing but the line was busy.  I then forgot to call back.

Nevertheless, for my money SYP was interesting, fun and competitive.  It was a breath of fresh air at the midpoint of the season.  Most, if not all Cronies rode in the same cart with their partners and still encouraged and helped them through the round.  Yet some Cronies noted a different atmosphere on the course in Week 8.  "I felt lonely," said one CGA'er.  "It seemed like me versus three other golfers."  It was a little confusing...whether to root for your partner or not....but it seemed that most Cronies (at least on the surface) did.

George Tzagournis earned Player of the Week honors with his 46/32.  Geo's 46 came on a day when no Cronies shot in the 30's.  It should be noted that there was not an outing at HHGC earlier in the day, which meant that the pins remained in their Sunday pin placements.  The course did not play easy and the scores reflected it.  But Geo, who has been on fire both in and out of league play, proceeded to shoot his best round of the year and one of the best rounds of his CGA career.  In the process, he manhandled his partner Greg May and (but?) also led Geez! to a combined net score of 68 which was good for 14.5 points.  Geez! is now in 2nd place, 13.5 points behind See You on Mundy who garnered a measly 2.5 points in Week 8.  Special mention for Player of the Week goes to Rob Burkley who shot a 40/33 with 5 pars.