August 28, 2012

Season 12 Finishes in Steller Fashion

Steller gutted out a 26.5-18.5 win over Geeez! in the final week of the season to overtake them in the standings and win the League by 3.5 points.  Both individual matches were halved 7.5-to-7.5 but team Stellar was able to win the team match by two for 11.5 points, which was the difference.  And with both Jay Feller and George Tzagournis scoring 7.5 points individually, Feller hung on to the Individual Championship by one point over Tzagournis.  This is Feller's second individual title.  Congrats to Jay, Steve, Greg and George on a great season and an entertaining finish.

Cronies, when a full 15 week season comes down to a few points....a single putt on the last know that we have had a great season.  And we have a great league.  I hope that everyone comes back next year and that the camaraderie the CGA brings us continues to rule the day.

Following is a list of various leaders, winners and statistics from the 2012 season:

Team Champion:  Steller
Individual Champion:  Jay Feller
Money Leader:  Jay Feller ($1,525)
Player of the Year:  Who else?  Jay Feller
CGA Match Play Champion:  John Brinkman
TEA Team Champions:  Geeez!
Chappy Cup Champion:  Steve Geraghty
'Get to Know Your Partner' Scramble Champions:  Good Luck!

Lowest Gross Average:  Ryan Webb (41.4)
Lowest Gross Round:  Steve Porterfield, John Brinkman (37)
Lowest Net Average:  Jay Feller (36.7)
Lowest Net Round:  Doug May (28)

Highest Triple Bogey Average:  Joe Barrett (1.27)
Highest Double Bogey Average:  George Tzagournis (2.87)
Highest Bogey Average:  Jay Feller, Doug May (4.08)
Highest Par Average:  Rob Burkley (4.00)
Highest Birdie Average:  Greg May (0.73)
Highest Eagle Average:  Steve Porterfield (0.07)
Highest Hole-in-One Average:  Everybody (0.00)
Hole-in-One Pot Balance:  $2,356

Most Player of the Week Awards:  Brinkman, D.May, Webb (3)
Player Who Played the Most POW's:  Ebel, D.May, Porterfield (3)
Team Who Played the Most POW's:  MoJoe Risin' (5)
Most Improved Golfer (based on Handicaps):  Barrett (18 down to 13)
# of Golfers who Finished 2012 with the same or better Handicap:  7

Perfect Attendance:  Barrett,Brinkman,T.Freiburger,G.May,Tzagournis,Webb
Most Sub Rounds:  Dan Freiburger (7)
Total Sub Rounds in 2012 as % of Total Rounds:  9.2%
Total Sub Round % in the History of the CGA:  8.8%