April 12, 2013

I Went to the CGA Team Draft and a Hockey Game Broke Out

Tonight the CGA will meet for the first time in 2013 when the Cronies head to Nationwide Arena to hold the team draft between the 1st and 2nd periods of the CBJ v. St. Louis Blues game.  For those of you familiar with the Crony Gift Exchange it is important to remember that the CGA Team Draft is similar in that you don't want to get to attached to your 'new' partner until all of the names have been picked out of the hat.  Why?  Because if the last two names in the hat happen to have been partners last season then ALL of the names go back in the hat and we start over.  So remember, don't jump for joy or show your displeasure right away when your name gets picked next to [fill-in Crony's name here].

As most of you know by now, the League Office was saddened to learn this past Monday that two original CGA'ers have turned their cards in this season.  I could write a book about the CGA careers of both Pete Ebel (1st in Career Earnings) and Ryan Webb (5th), but suffice it to say the CGA just won't be the same without them.  The League's sub list just got a lot better.  Speaking of subs....ahhhh forget it until later in this blog post. 

Replacing Ebel and Webb in 2013 will be Bret Southworth (still 7th in Career Earnings) and newcomer Bret Benack, who has made no secret out of his long held desire to be a part of the CGA.  Please join me in welcoming the Brets to this great league of ours.

And now for a couple of housekeeping items....first a new rule for 2013.  Sub players this year will be required to pay $20 to the Commisioner (or an appointed Deputy Commissioner if the Commissioner is absent that week) prior to teeing off.  This money will be used as Instant Cash Prize Money that same week and will be awarded to the player with the lowest net score.  If there is one sub the prize will be $20.  If there are four subs the prize will be $80.  No subs = no prize.  The subs are eligible to win the Instant Cash Prize Money.

The second housekeeping item is in response to a question from a Crony who wants clarification on the rule if a player is late for his round in any given week.  The rule states that a player who arrives after play has begun will be given an MNQ for any holes missed.  This rule is not changing but every effort will be made by me in these situations to communicate with the late Crony and to stall the shotgun start for a few minutes if said Crony is nearby.  I will also move that Crony's foursome to the 1st or 10th hole so that the late Crony has a shorter drive out to his foursome.

That's it for now.  I'm sure other "issues" will come up tonight, as they always do, and we will have some hearty discussion and come to a consensus (not).  Looking forward to it!  I'd love to be your (golf) partner!!