May 7, 2014

...and we're back

Welcome back Cronies.  The 2014 season is underway without a, uhhhh.....let's just say we're underway.  Week 1 turned out to be an unmitigated disaster as a rare CBJ home playoff game led yours truly to think that letting the Cronies play their Week 1 match on a non-Monday if they so chose would be a great idea.  Long story short, it wasn't.  In retrospect (and in the future), we should have just kept the League on Monday and if you wanted to go to the game you could get a sub or forfeit your match.  You live and learn.  Won't happen again.

Or will it?  I received a call from Mike at HHGC today letting me know that they will be aerifying the greens on Monday, May 12th.  He is giving us the option of (a) playing on the freshly aerified greens, or (b) allowing each foursome to get their match in some time throughout the week.  Please let me know your thoughts on this (preferably via email) by Thursday morning.  My gut tells me to keep things on Monday as is (see paragraph 1 above).

There are 8 Cronies who completely ignored my request/demand for payment by Week 2.  You know who you are.  Pay by 5:30pm on May 12th or receive ZERO points next week.  Checks for $730 should be made out to "CGA LLC".

Save the Date for the Touch 'Em All on Saturday, May 31st at Winding Hollow.  Tee times start at 9:30am and then again at 2:30pm.  If you know that you cannot play, please have the courtesy to let me know as soon as possible.

Looking forward to a great season and eventually writing blogs about golf!