May 14, 2014

Cronies are High in Week 3

While the pre-round focus was on the newly aerated greens, it was the wet rough that had not been mowed in awhile that proved to be most detrimental to the Crony golf games.  The League's average gross score was 49 on Monday.  The round seemed to take forever as Cronies looked for golf balls that were just off the fairway. Three players failed to break 60, and nobody broke 40.

Low man was Steve Porterfield with a 40, but he lost to Player of the Week Tom Freiburger's 45/33.  Conversely, three players won their matches with net scores in the mid 40's, proving once again its not always about how you play but who you play.  John Brinkman was one of those players (51/45) and he remains the only Crony who hasn't lost a match this season.

POST GOLF UPDATE: After being refused service at Jed's, the Cronies audibled and went to the Loose Goose (4093 Trueman Blvd, Hilliard).  An astute server was able to read the Cronies quickly and offered a $150 group meal that included 4 pizzas, 50 wings, and some quesadillas.  This was a good call because the food came out much quicker than if we had each ordered individually.  Unlike the Cronies on this night, however, the food was sub-par and I doubt we will be going back.  The suggestion for next week is Average Joe's on Hilliard Rome Road (1515 Hilliard Rome Rd) in front of the Meier's.

REMINDER:  Week 5 will be played on Tuesday May 27th, the day after Memorial Day.  That following Saturday the 31st will be the Touch 'Em All beginning at 9am at Winding Hollow.