July 8, 2014


As a result of last night's rain-out, I spoke with HH today and they are giving us the option of:

  1. Each Foursome (or even each Twosome) could agree to play their match some time this week.  Note: if we let Twosomes play, then for this one week the Team matches would be played blind.
  2. We could play 18 holes this Sunday starting at 1pm....effectively playing Weeks 10 & 11 on the same day.  Note: HH says we would need to "keep things moving" at the turn even though we would need to switch the foursomes.  That would be kind of tricky.  This option also penalizes anyone who cannot play that day by giving them 2 absences.
  3. We could bump the season back a week and play Week 10 this Sunday.  Note: HH will not allow us to play on Labor Day and they will be aerifying the greens on Tuesday after Labor Day.  Thus, we would finish our season on September 8th on aerified greens...two calendar weeks after Week 17.
I personally vote for Option 1, but could live with Option 3 if that is what the group decides.  I do not think Option 2 is going to work.  Please text or email me your vote by the end of the day today (7/8).

Lastly, by a vote of 6-2 with 10 abstentions, we will tee off beginning at 4pm this Sunday 7/13 (instead of 1pm).  Of course, this is assuming we do not choose Option 2 above.