June 3, 2015

What Brink Thinks - Week 6


George Tzagournis is your Week 6 Player of the Week, after his 49/38 was good enough to beat Joe Ayers' 46/40 and earn Tzagournis a solid 11-4 victory.  Tzagournis celebrated his 45th birthday on Monday and will be celebrating throughout the week leading into the Memorial Tournament weekend.

More importantly this moved Tzagournis into 4th place in the individual standings, with the three players ahead of him still having a bye week before the mid-point of the season.  This is rarified air for Tzagournis and it certainly will be interesting to see how he handles the pressure in next week's match vs. Jay Feller.

Stroke Me wins the $50 Team Low Net pot with a 69.  CB3PO is leading in the team standings, but is on bye this week, so it will be interesting to see if anyone can close the gap.

Special recognition to Paul Whybrew for back-to-back weeks of shooting 52, a significant improvement over his starting scores of 63 and 62.  Whybrew and Barrett tied for individual low net of 34 in Week 6.  Jay Feller earns the "Play Like Shit & Win" award for beating Tommy Freiburger 12-3 with a cool 50 gross.