August 2, 2015

What Brink Thinks Weeks 11 & 12

Benack Attack
Bret Benack sits in first place in the individual standings after 12 of 18 weeks of league play.

Benack has quickly become the "story" of the year.  We'll see how it all shakes out in the end.  Budzik, Brikman and Tzagournis follow in the standings.

CB3PO leads in team standings and GF Humble pie won the team low net of $50 for Week 12.

Week 13 is front nine, black-blue-white.  Same in week 14 on the back nine.

August 29 is still the date for the CGA Match Play Championship from the original schedule for the year.

More information to follow on location, HDCP info and tee times as the date gets nearer.