September 13, 2015

What Brink Thinks Week 17

We are in the final week of the 2015 season, with a couple of important matches to determine the final standings in the Team and Individual races.

Bret Benack has an 8.5 pt lead over 2nd place K.C. Budzik.  This would require Budzik to earn a 12-3 victory or better to finish in first place.

The Benack story has been fun to watch all season, but the rubber hits the road on Monday.  Should Benack beat Budzik, Brinkman only trails Budzik by 2 pts. for 2nd place, so there are some scenarios where Budzik could finish outside the money.

There are also some long odds scenarios where if Budzik beats Benack soundly and Brinkman earns high points, Benack could potentially finish outside the money.

The team race involves many of the same players.  CB3PO has all but wrapped up the team title.  D-Rags has a 1 pt lead over Gluten Free Humble Pie and plays GFHP head-to-head in week 18.  Pull the Flag trails D-Rags by 24 points and 2 Drink Minimum 2 trails by 26.5.   Both appear to be on the outside looking in, but you never can tell.
CB3PO and The Dubi Bros. shared the team low net from Week 17 with matching 71s and each team earned $25.  Joe Barrett is your Player of the Week for Week 17, his 47/34 was good enough for a stunning 9.5-5.5 victory over Greg May's 2 birdie 39/34.

We will attempt to award the low net from Week 18 at the after hours, as long as all scorecards are turned in